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FAQ About Air Conditioners

By All-Temp Heating & Cooling

Date Published: August 26, 2022

Common Air Conditioning Questions

We encourage our customers to ask questions about our services and their air conditioning system. It is important to be knowledgeable about one of your home’s most important appliances. In this blog, we will detail frequently asked questions by homeowners about air conditioning systems.

When Should I Replace My AC Unit?

You should replace your air conditioner rather than repairing depending on a few factors, including age and how often it needs repairs. If you have an older air conditioner, it likely is not energy efficient and struggles to effectively cool your home. New systems can lower your monthly bills and decrease the amount of energy used. If your air conditioner requires frequent repairs, it could be worth replacing to save money in the long run.

Related Article: Reasons To Consider Replacing Your HVAC System

How Long Do Air Conditioners Last?

On average, air conditioners last 10-15 years. If your air conditioner is well maintained it will live a longer life. AC systems typically require more repairs once they age 10 years and decrease in efficiency.

How Do I Make My Air Conditioner More Efficient?

There are many ways to make your AC unit more energy efficient. Below we have provided a few simple ways to improve efficiency.

  • Ensure air vents are open and clear
  • Keep windows and doors shut
  • Clean the outdoor unit from debris regularly
  • Increase thermostat temperature while away
  • Maintain a clean air filter
  • Schedule regular maintenance

Does Thermostat Placement Matter?

To effectively cool your house, thermostat placement matters. Factors such as direct sunlight and windows can cause your thermostat to get an inaccurate temperature reading. Your thermostat should be placed in a central location on an inner wall away from outside doors and windows.

How Often Does My Air Conditioner Need Maintenance?

Your air conditioner should be serviced once a year, preferably in the springtime before the Staunton heat. The same goes for your heating system and should have preventative maintenance performed before peak cold temperatures.

Why Is My Air Conditioner Blowing Warm Air?

Each part of your air conditioning system works together to provide whole home comfort. If one piece of equipment is obstructed, it can cause a malfunction and affect cooling. If your air conditioner is blowing warm air, it could be due to multiple reasons, such as:

  • Dirty air filter
  • Low refrigerant
  • Dirty evaporator coils
  • Thermostat problems
  • Clogged drain line

How Do I Pick Out An Air Filter?

The difference in air filters is the minimum efficiency reporting value. (MERV) This indicates how many particles and pollutants can pass through the filter. The higher the rating, the more particles it can catch and the better your air quality will be. However, too high of a rating can put strain on your air conditioner due to the energy it takes to push air through. We recommend contacting one of our expert technicians to evaluate the efficiency of your system and determine the best MERV rating for your home.

Related Article: What You Need To Know About MERV Ratings

How Can I Reduce Energy Costs?

Your cooling system is a large part of your monthly bills, but there are ways to reduce energy used. To lower your utility bills, consider these few factors:

  • Turning your thermostat up
  • Investing in a programmable thermostat
  • Schedule regular maintenance
  • Seal air leaks in windows and doors
  • Keep a clean air filter

Related Article: How To Reduce Your Energy Bill This Summer

Is Air Conditioning Maintenance Necessary?

A homeowner’s worst nightmare is enduring a heat wave with no air conditioning. Air conditioner maintenance is important to ensure your system runs smoothly all season. Your All-Temp technician does a thorough inspection of your AC unit and catches any problems before they arise. Let our AC experts help lower the chance of costly repairs and breakdowns with maintenance in the springtime!

Have a question that isn’t listed? Give us a call! We are here to clarify any questions you may have about your air conditioning system. If you are in need of AC repair for the remainder of the summer season, our expert technicians have you covered!
